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Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. PICO_SCAN - Interactive Computer Installation In 7 Hills: Images and Signs of the 21st Century, edited by Berliner Festspiele, 52-53. Berlin: Henschel Verlag and Berliner Festspiele, 2000.
Prueitt, Melvin. Art and the Computer. Columbus, OH: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 1985.
Weibel, Peter. Visionen der Mediengesellschaft In Konzert. Klangkunst. Computer. Wandel der musikalischen Wirklichkeit, edited by Darmstadt Institut für Neue Musik und Musikerziehung, 9-17. Mainz, DE: Schott Music, 2002.
Spalter, Anne Morgan. The Computer in the Visual Arts. Boston, MA: Addison-Wesely Longman Publishing Co., 1998.
Zapp, Andrea. Networked Narrative Environments In ACM Siggraph Computer Graphics Conference/Networked Performance: How Does Art Affect Technology and Vice Versa, Los Angeles, CA: 2005.
VERBARIUM and Life Spacies: Creating a Visual Language by Transcoding Text into Form on the InternetSommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. VERBARIUM and Life Spacies: Creating a Visual Language by Transcoding Text into Form on the Internet In VL '99 Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages, edited by IEEE Computer Society
Davies, Char and John Harrison. Osmose: Towards Broadening the Aesthetics of Virtual Reality Computer Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH) 30, no. 4 (1996): 25-28.
Ascott, Roy. Art, Technology and Computer Science In XLII Esposizione d´Arte: La Biennale di Venezia, edited by Maurizio Calvesi, 187-188. Venezia: Edizione La Biennale, 1986.
Weibel, Peter. Die digitale Bildrevolution In Leuchtspuren. Holographie, Licht und Computer. Kampnagelfabrik, Halle O, Hamburg vom 23.3. bis 5.5.1985, edited by Gabriele Juschka-KaiserHamburg, DE: Rheinland-Verlag, 1985.
Weibel, Peter. Der Bruch des Bildes. Vom Tafelbild zum Bildschirm In Computer art faszination, edited by Dotzler Medien Institut, 25-31. Frankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1990.