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  • Virtual Berlin Wall -
    Event: Virtual Berlin WallInstitution: DAM Projects BerlinComment:
  • Event: donumenta ARTLAB Gleis 1Institution: donumenta ARTLABComment:
  • Futures -
    Event: FuturesInstitution: The Smithsonian InstitutionComment:
  • Virtual Berlin Wall -
    The Berlin Wall separated West Berlin from East Berlin from 1961 - 1989. As part of the “inner German border” it was a symbol of the Cold War and the division of large parts of the world into two opposing political systems. By now, most traces of
  • Enter the Plastoscene -
    Humans have created a whole new epoch for the denizens of the ocean: the Plastocene. Plastic has become a ubiquitous part of the world's oceans, permeating all layers from the surface down to the darkest depths. Humans like to consider themselves
  • Misused Media -
    Event: Misused MediaInstitution: University of Applied Arts, ViennaComment: