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  • ...Computer scientist interested in data, artificial intelligence, interaction — in the exploration of plastic-sound virtualities through impulse and generative reinterpretation.
  • ...Alvaro, Sandra. Artistic production and embodied information. Tracking Spaces of Transformation In VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES New Experiences, Art and Ecologies in Immersive Environments, edited by Raitis Smits and Rasa Smite: RIXC, 2019.
  • ...REAL VIRTUALITYArtist: Tomas RullerComment:
  • Website MMM -
    ... raised go through retinal phenomena to the use of text and the comprehension of space as succession, hierarchy, position, virtuality, reflection and reversion, essence and appearance. Due to its configuration this series delineates the place of woman as a...
  • ... through the membrane. It is exactly this tangibility that creates the sense of an intimate exchange. Due to the increase of virtuality in our quotidian communication, gestures have lost centre stage, yet in Membrane they play a pivotal role in shaping the...
  • Laufende Projekte -
    ... media installations are situated at the intersection between analogue and digital reality, and between objectivity and virtuality. The integrated everyday objects, which embody the artificial images, refer to the world of things, but at the same time...
  • ...Event: A Vision of Virtuality: Rigid Waves / Liquid Views / Responsive WorkbenchInstitution: GMD-German National Research center for information technologyComment:
  • Territorism - video
    ... a hand and armor. - A game is a special kind of fiction, a “test action”, an action of devised possibilities - the game is virtuality in the original sense." - Ruth Schnell, quoting Cathrin Pichler in: 'Ruth Schnell: Territorism.' (translated from the original...
  • ... She is interested in the hybrid areas of transition between art and science, reality and virtuality, fiction and nonfiction, simplicity and complexity, solitude and community, the individual and nature, art and life. She...
  • ...Shaw, Jeffrey. Modalities of Interactivity and Virtuality Scan+ Electronic Media Arts 4 (1993): 19-20.