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  • ...Digital Queers is a conference at The New School, in collaboration... with Goldsmiths and OCR, that will focus on... Digital Queers is a conference at The New School, in collaboration...
  • All you can see -
    ... different colours can theoretically be represented on... second in single frames and result in an 8dayslong... different colours can theoretically be represented on...
  • ...Adrien Sina is an artist and theoretician. He has curated... Adrien Sina is an artist and theoretician. He has curated... Adrien Sina is an artist and theoretician. He has curated...
  • ... or electronic media. These works are acts of... process in space and time. Themes presented by... or electronic media. These works are acts of...
  • ... Pedagogy). He joined the IUP faculty in 2004. His... State University and his dissertation was titled... Pedagogy). He joined the IUP faculty in 2004. His...
  • ..., Peter. Der künstliche Wille. Das theoretische Fundament der... , Peter. Der künstliche Wille. Das theoretische Fundament der...
  • ...Event: Das theoretische HörspielInstitution: Radio ZComment: Event: Das theoretische HörspielInstitution: Radio ZComment:
  • ...Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3... semi-vocale and from an implement as... Machinery on the memory line of the configuration file... The 3...
  • ...Kracauer, Siegfried. Theorie des Films: Die Errettung der Äußeren... Kracauer, Siegfried. Theorie des Films: Die Errettung der Äußeren...
  • ...Bolz, Norbert. Theorie der neuen Medien. München: Raben Verlag, 1990. Bolz, Norbert. Theorie der neuen Medien. München: Raben Verlag, 1990.