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  • ... in the self-reflective question: how in future will the festival position itself in... femme totale's main task is to showcase the work of women film directors but we also put the...
  • Homunculus Agora -
    ... positioned to invite people to touch the work. In doing so, the touch sensitive homunculi...
  • Vera Plastica -
    ... are primarily spatial and time-based, however, we have extended her process into the 3rd... to fill the image space. As artists whose works are primarily spatial and time-based,...
  • ... color synthesis. This color mixing work in exactly opposite way as the colors mixing...
  • .. explore the potential of the human body to be an audio-visual instrument ..
  • ... Society of Experimental Artists Best of Show Gracie Award, Premio Ora Prize Italy 5th... Seikei Inc. and Japanese railway, he has worked on high-profile projects including Kyushu...
  • Videoschwelle -
    ... damaged by tire profiles, and so on). However, in the space of the gallery, the objects... In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The work 'Videoschwelle' was conceptualized as part of...
  • ... up with the environment. The artistic work uses the NTAV UCS PC CAVE, a VR (virtual...
  • ... System). Acevedo’s earliest public showings of his new digital work usually included... public showings of his new digital work usually included Ectoplasmic Kitchen versions 1...
  • ...This work associates Virtual Reality with Multimedia through a narrative intuitive percourse. Designed...