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  • Heaven -
    ... supose we told you about a machine that receives images form heaven would you believe us ? and if we say you may conect to this machine via Cu...
  • ... a clear plexi-glass replica of this cylindrical enclosure, and images are projected onto a large curved screen that is set into the...
  • Staircase
    ... scene was then virtually re-constructed by projecting these images full-scale onto two contiguous projection screens - one hanging...
  • ...Sequences of images were created that freely interpreted the themes of Peter Gabriel's song cycle to provide a continuous visual accompaniment...
  • ... to rotate a column-mounted monitor which in turn animates the images on its screen. A friction plate forces the viewers to exert...
  • Royal Road - video
    ... video monitors whose screens display the same sequence of images as the original work.
  • ... surfing the Internet with the museum tradition of wall mounted images. While painting, cinema and TV construe images inside a fixed...
  • ... the respective volumes of air and liquid flow, so that images can be programmed to appear and move through the sculpture....
  • Cube
    ... Further developement of this technology allowed stereo- images to be virtually projected in this way.
  • Alembic
    ... upon a floor based projection of computer generated 3D images. These virtual forms represent the content of an...