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  • ... and Wolfgang Strauss, art collective and professors from Germany, are esteemedfigures in the field of digital media art and interactive installations. Not only have they pioneered thedevelopment of much-discussed interactive and immersive works but they...
  • ... describing herself as an artist-engineer, has always been interested indeveloping hermeneutic and metaphorical proposals of interactive complex systems thataddress the conditions, limits but also possibilities of the human-machine symbiosis in the...
  • ... (virtual) sculpture into the mix. Moreover, given computer graphics’ time-based prowessand ability to author or facilitate interactive experiences, it is truly a new medium.How do you archive your own works? How do you think your works should be...
  • ... ago.Consequently, it is challenging to share in my classes my personal fascination for early netart and also the pioneering interactive installations which I experienced during my studies atthe ZKM in Karlsruhe in the mid-nineties. To really understand...
  • ... the opportunity to work with a German dance group who had developed an interface fordancers to measure muscle tension for interactive dance works. During that workshop I had theopportunity to test software which created interactive works. After that...
  • ...Event: Adam et Eve chassés du virtuel, réalités de la dimension interactiveInstitution: le Vivant et le Virtuel, Théâtre 95Comment:
  • ADA -
    ...analog interactive installation / kinetic sculpture / post-digital drawing machine
  • ... very similar to an experimental setup of a psychological laboratory" as a basic, but mostly overlooked component in interactive media. The proposed project takes this phenomenon as its subject, exploring it with the use of spatial sound.
  • ... Initiated in 2016 by the artists Maurice Benayoun and Tobias Klein, The Brain Factory is a multi-layers project including interactive installations, reified abstractions becoming physical sculptures, appraisable forms becoming tokenized values[2]. Between...