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  • On 9 January 2024 we celebrate 20 years of UpStage! UpStage has playfully persisted for two decades of cyberformance adventures. Since its launch on 9 January 2004, UpStage has provided an accessible, artist-led online venue for collaboration,
  • Pearlman,Ellen. Review of Contemporary Chinese Art, Primary Documents, by Wu Hung, Leonardo on-Line Reviews December.
  • I am Sound -
    From Mission Base's Website: An interactive image/sound installation by Tamiko Thiel (image) and Christoph Reiserer (sound), 2016 "I am Sound" interweaves contemporary concerns with surveillance, face tracking and use of personal data into a
  • Handsight
    The intention of this work is to emphasize certain aspects of virtuality, such as telepresence and the re-embodiment of the senses. It creates a transverse relation between the real and the virtual by correlating a physical object with its virtual
  • Born in Washington, DC. Lives and works in Baitz and Berlin/Germany. Since 1990 director and founder of a Berlin-based art group called Die Audio Gruppe. Mostly known for incorporating loudspeakers into clothes, like ballerina tutus (AUDIO
  • An animated journey through the abstract colors, compositions, and constructions of the Hungarian artist László Moholy-Nagy.
  • In Cooperation with ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany. This exhibition was part of the Bipolar German-Hungarian cultural projects and Hungarian accent
  • Hungarian National Gallery Hungarian Artists and the Computer 2.0 exhibition 23 / 07 / 2016 - 21 / 08 / 2016 Curator of the exhibition: Márton Orosz
  • Your Self Portrait -
    Your Self Portrait, solo project, curated by Zsolt Kozma and Eike Berg, with Anna Balvanyos, Ludwig Museum - Videospace, Budapest, Hungary
  • Hünnekens, Annette. Der bewegte Betrachter. Theorien der interaktiven Medienkunst. Köln: Wienand Verlag, 1997.