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  • SKIN - video
    ... event in October 2012. The second and extended version is octophonic and was presented for the first time at Harvestworks- Digital Media Art Center in New York City in June 2014.
  • Metropolis -
    ...Interactive digital video projection environment 16 x 16 x 6 metres 2 large scale video projections, colour A Little Pig Production, UK, 2005. Supported by Sheffield Hallam University Art and Design Research Centre Metropolis is composed of two interactive...
  • ... Space Agency was transformed into a virtual 3-D computer model, which was ‘3-D drawn’, or rather, laser melted, at the Digital Manufacturing Centre at the UCL Bartlett Faculty of the Built Environment. It was the largest object ever created by the Digital...
  • ... with the color reflecting the percentage of renewable energy used to power each company's cloud servers. For the 2013 Digital Art Weeks Singapore I created a "portable" version of the project consisting of 5 of these clouds floating above the ArtScience...
  • ...Mutter or On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematical And Related Systems by Gödel revisited Genetic Digital Cartoon, 42 chapters 2000
  • EVE
    ... reality outside of the piece. The piece flows between universal concepts, such as human-machine relationships in the post-digital era, processes, and appearances vs. disappearances.... to the local concepts of the Israeli / Jewish society, and its...
  • RGB VW -
    ... floor that used to carry the flow of excess spray paint, there is now a long LED numeric display which shows the flow of the digital (RGB) values of these colors. (A. Hegedüs)
  • Feeding Consciousness -
    ... we are all under a constant assault of new information, we are also continually rebuilding our own understanding of the new digitally enhanced world. The artwork captures the collective consciousness of today's populace and lends a visual interpretation to...
  • ... Roger Pailhas gallery, La Vilette and Palais de Tokyo. She was awarded the VIDA 6.0 competition in Madrid (1st Prize) and Digital Stadium Awards in Tokyo (1st Prize). MEIAC, the Badajoz contemporary art museum, Spain, bought from her a robotic piece.
  • ... map of the USA for the keyword USA) we can read and understand are dissolved into a rhythmic array of pixels, which show the digitality of these images. The information contained in them becomes obsolete as their only function left is to feed the graphic...