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  • ...Event: Documenta 2012 - "The Worldly House"Institution: Fridericianum Comment:
  • ...Goodman, Nelson. Ways of Worldmaking. Cambridge, MASS: Hackett Publishing, 1978.
  • ... and Alberto de Campo, ed. Worldmaking as Techné: Participatory...
  • Elastic Surgery -
    ... various pre-computed warps. When a button is pressed the new warp... pixels. In the past this was possible only with a very expensive... to freeze your face before the warping is performed. The mirror acts...
  • La Machine à idées -
    ... Guy des skis pliables, Warrior des jeux de rôles grandeur...
  • ..., James. Art, Surveillance and Metadata In Worldmaking as Techné: Exploring Worlds...
  • Otocky -
    ... to shoot in eight directions. When you hit the A button, which is... game's main title screen) was released for the Famicom Disk... all five note symbols, you are warped to the main boss of the level,...
  • ... of futuristic 'star wars' weaponry, and red laser...
  • ... The text that is emitted when triggered by the camera... data for spherical projection was not implemented since the... structurally planar virtual worlds such as gardens or cities. Of... imagery by means of software that acts on the object...
  • The Adding Machine -
    ... experimental production was Elmer Rice's THE ADDING... taken within these "virtual worlds" were not pre-recorded, but...