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  • Diana Domingues, a pioneering artist-engineer, scholar, and researcher from Brazil, has impacted and shaped the landscape of electronic art in Latin America. By bridging the realms of intangible culture and rituals within Latin American native
  • ... Bio Art today is a thrivinginternational practice, along with Bio...
  • Lin Pey Chwen’s oeuvre extends from sculpture to interactive digital installations. Over the course of more than twenty years, her work encompasses a unique approach to media art and technology exploring a critical understanding of contemporary
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... Leonardo, Journal of the International Society of Art, Science and...
  • This essay by former research assistant Isabella Iska at the Center for Image Science, is a tribute to the artist, scholar, professor and permanent driven inventor Charles Csuri (1922-2022), who began creating digital artworks in the 1960s. Today
  • ... programmes. Publications and international exhibitions include the...
  • ... art exhibitions in the U.S. and Internationally since 1982. ...
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
  • .. making visible that which is not before our eyes, that which is not directly evident nor exposed to the view ..
  • ... a talk by Ralph Abraham at the International Synergy (IS) Institute in...