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  • NYC 1983-85 -
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1993 Victor: The title of the piece is the result of me
  • Artists: Morehshin Allahyari (IRN/US), Scott Benesiinaabandan (CA), Matias Brunacci (ARG/DE), Yu Hong (CHN), Francois Knoetze (ZA), Erin Ko (US) and Jamie Martinez (COL/US) Curators: Tina Sauerlaender (DE), Peggy Schoenegge (DE), and Erandy Vergara
  • "Simultaneous Echos" is the most recent production of the series "Field-works," compositing video images and locational data captured by GPS, production was made in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, UK. The project is focused onto music production
  • Tavern Mirror -
    Archival Digital Print, Sizes: 8”x10” and 13”x19” Epson Pigment inks on cotton rag substrate or Light Jet digital photo prints. (plus custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1994 This image is based on a preliminary study for the print
  • For over thirty years Rebecca Allen has investigated a variety of technological forms of expression including 3D computer animation films, music videos, large-scale performance works, interactive art installations, video games, artificial life
  • Popper, Frank. The Transgenic Art of Eduardo Kac Artpress 276 (February 2002).
  • Popper, Frank. Art of the Electronic Age. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1997.
  • Frank, Peter. Intriguing Works by New Generation of Women Artists Long Beach Press-Telegram (March 1993): 14.
  • Popper, Frank. High Technology Art In Digitaler Schein: Ästhetik der elektronischen Medien, edited by Florian RötzerFrankfurt/Main: Suhrkamp, 1991.
  • The original story of the Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum was published in 1900 and was already widely read by the time of the release of the 1937 film of the same name. For most people, the film provides the dominant imagery of the story, and it is