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  • The 090909 UpStage Festival took place on 9 September 2009 (with bits on the 8th or the 10th depending on where you were in the world). 14 performances by artists across 9 time zones were presented over the 20 hours of the festival, with audiences
  • ABANDON NORMAL DEVICES FESTIVAL OF NEW CINEMA AND DIGITAL CULTURE Abandon Normal Devices (AND) welcomes audiences to experience the best in new cinema and media art in a celebration that spills from screens and galleries into the streets and
  • During Imagina '93 computer graphics installations in Monte Carlo and in Karlsruhe were connected by modem through a conventional telephone line. Facing large video screens, the two distant players each shared the same virtual image space.
  • Thompson, Steve. Four Questions for George Legrady
  • Müller Arisona, Stefan. Interview: George Legrady, chair of the Media Arts and Technology program.
  • Silvers Alter took the form of a large projection of 22 men and women. This population of people was changed - or evolved - by the audience's presence and movement within the gallery space. When the audience selected a person, information
  • Interactive computer video installation Three doors of the environment 'Tür für Huxley' ('Door for Huxley') simulate the entrance to different realities. The observer has the choice between pure observance of a conserved and continuosly repeating
  • There is still time… Brother is rooted in the recording of a Wooster Group performance developed specifically to be viewed as a projection on a 360-degree screen. The video is revealed by way of a window that scans around the screen, never showing
  • Akhavein, Marina. Data Art in Cyberspace: George Legrady on Remote Learning
  • On 9 January 2024 we celebrate 20 years of UpStage! UpStage has playfully persisted for two decades of cyberformance adventures. Since its launch on 9 January 2004, UpStage has provided an accessible, artist-led online venue for collaboration,