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  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Cenários cíbridos: átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes In A Cibercultura em Transformação: Poder, Liberdade e Sociabilidade (ABCiber Vol.2), edited by Eugenio TRIVINHO and Edimilson
  • RESPONSIVE WORKBENCH : THINKING BY HAND 1993 The Responsive Workbench is an evolution of the interactive table interface in Berlin-Cyber City, which inspired physicist Wolfgang Krüger's Responsive Workbench idea. The first prototype was created in
  • nano -
    a Media Arts & Science Exhibition Making Nanoscience Visible, Tangible, and Experiential for Visitors of All Ages nano - an exhibition that merges the arts and the atom by presenting the world of nanoscience through a participatory aesthetic
  • We are Stardust -
    I received an invitation to work with the NASA Spitzer Space Center at CalTech in 2008 to realize an installation project for the exhibition OBSERVE held at the Art Center of College of Design in Pasadena. Following discussions and presentations by
  • NASA. We are Stardust
  • Morse, Margaret. Virtually Female: Body and Code In Processed Lives: Gender and Technology in Everyday Life, edited by Jennifer Terry and Melodie CalvertNew York: Routledge Champman and Hall, 1997.
  • Charles A. Csuri is an artist and computer graphics pioneer and Professor, at The Ohio State University. He exhibited his paintings in New York City from 1955-1965. His early work is in the collections of Walter P. Chrysler, movie actor Jose Ferrer,
  • Ascott, Roy. Art, Technology and Computer Science In XLII Esposizione d´Arte: La Biennale di Venezia, edited by Maurizio Calvesi, 187-188. Venezia: Edizione La Biennale, 1986.
  • Located between the home video and the reality show the work (9 minutes) presents a Newyorker Christmas scene focusing on the commerce of toys , a thematic park at Macy´s magazine and the Christmas decoration of street display windows. The
  • This audiovisual composition shows the transformation from old plans of the city transformed into an imaginary map obtained from the convergence of natural structures such as tree branches and a new satellite image of the city. Visual elements are