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  • Mostra Passageiros -
    ...A mostra Passageiros levou a videoarte para dentro do MASM (Museu de Arte de Santa Maria - RS). A...
  • ... of Sydney’s Australian International Video Festival. In 2000, Helsinki, Finland’s Museum...
  • [ in time time ] -
    ... responsive screen-based work, video and digital prints. Other information: Solo...
  • ... aus dem Studiolo, 6 miniatures on VHS video Swim Two Birds, APSION veraBra records,...
  • ... work spans a range of technologies from video animation tocomputer driven sculpture to...
  • ... email, using search engines, playing video games, or saving data to the hard drive,...
  • ... of current art practice in the domain of video, film, computer and web based installations...
  • Plan-it! -
    ... we started generating animations and videos using this particular format. We recorded...
  • ... between photography, sculpture, and video art, while being inspired by the spiritual...
  • ... degree) . Mignonneau studied modern Art and Video Art at the “Ecole des Beaux Arts” in...