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  • After highschool and community service in an institution for the mentally ill he went to Marburg to study art, music and media at Phillips Universität. One year later he changed to the Städelschule in Frankfurt in order to study film with Peter
  • Event: Fleischmann/Strauss: Energie-PassagenInstitution: Literaturhaus MünchenComment:
  • 2019 Energie AG Art Collection Curator: Genoveva Rückert-Sommerauer and Reinhard Gattinger Organized by the OK Center Linz Feb. 6 - Mar. 1, 2019 - Linz, Austria
  • Event: ENERGIE WECHSEL curated by Dr. Uwe RüthInstitution: IK FoundationComment:
  • Paul, Christiane and Sherry Turkle and et al.. Public Voices on Energie Passagen / Energy Passages [].
  • living particles (version 59), 2009 Autonomous audio kinetic installation The autonomous audio-kinetic installation consists of small minimalist robotic modules. The modules work autonomously on the basis of solar power, produce sounds and
  • video 13,16′ The recording of dynamic forms of magnetic fluids that are produced by invisible magnetic fields direct the experience of the material in relation to the immaterial. The ferrofluid structures, which are in reality only a few centimeters
  • Statement Seit Mitte der 90er Jahre des letzten Jahrhunderts beschäftige ich mich mit dem urbanen Raum, Naturphänomenen, dem menschlichen Körper, politischen Themen und virtuellen Welten. Im Rahmen meines Kunststudiums habe ich Werke entwickelt,
  • Kinetic light installation bended plexiglas, light projection and reflection, electronic light modulator variable dimensions Four projectors illuminate a bent piece of plexiglass positioned horizontally on the floor that reflects a multi-layered
  • Strauss, Wolfgang and Monika Fleischmann. Energie_Passagen: Die Stadt lesen und beschreiben /Konzept [].