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  • ... visual processing developed by MIT’s CSAIL Lab, and haunting imagery issues of surveillance are explored in a dialogue between law...
  • ... singing bowl filled with milk was transformed into sound and images. The imagery then projected onto a screen are abstract digital...
  • ... series. Through the projection of dynamic, computer-generated imagery in pared-down pastels with prominent color accents, the...
    ...Acryl, pastel on papervariable dimensions. Graphical images on paper combine structures that look like microscopic imagery and the morphology of...
  • ... plexiglass, projected light variable dimensions Photosensitive images are based on microscopic images of the nanoparticles of a...
  • ... effects a re-contextualization of scientific medical imagery into the field of art.
  • ... of the hidden dimensions of physicality, where original microscopic imagery – parts of the artist’s body tissues, like skin and hair – are...
  • ... moment in front of the wall and in the space. The terms and imagery originate from a data pool comprising thousands of entries on...
  • ... frescos come adrift from the “planets” and morph into contemporary imagery from China, giving rise to a modern “chinoiserie”: Thyes has never...
  • ... intensities and suggestive powers, and with complex imagery and associations consistently approach philosophical questions...