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  • ... it.Beyond that, pictures or pictorial elements that are purely the product of 3D computer graphics bringthe element of (virtual) sculpture into the mix. Moreover, given computer graphics’ time-based prowessand ability to author or facilitate interactive...
  • ... Acevedo’s visual music explores the implications of synesthesia through computer animated geometry.
  • ... introducing visual effects such as time-lapse delays, slow-motion effects and time compression. (Source: Toshio Iwai about Another Time, Another Space: "This is an installation which I exhibited in...
  • ...Grau, Oliver. Das Pionierarchiv der Medienkunst: Kunstgeschichte aktuell 1, no. 9 (2009): 8.
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In ArsLab-I Sensi del Virtuale, Turin, IT: 1995.
  • ...Event: Arslab 2: I Sensi del VirtualeInstitution: ArslabComment:
  • ...Event: Virtuale SwitzerlandInstitution: DAW InternationalComment:
  • ... está alojado en un hosting distinto, diferentes emplazamientos físicos (ubicaciones geográficas de los servidores) y virtuales (direcciones URL en internet) que son recompuestos por la videoproyección como una unidad sobre siete bastidores de tela que...
  • ...Albuquerque, Beatriz. Performance + Internet = Comunicação + Audiencia In Internet y Performance, Negociaciones entre Cuerpo, Virtualidad y Telepresencia, edited by Silvio GarciaBuenos Aires: Ediciones Al Margen, 2011.
  • Arslab