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  • ARCO 2006 -
    Galerie Grita Insam, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the...
  • arctic conquistadors -
    Arctic Conquistadors examines the tensions and conflicts characterizing the Arctic today. The Arctic space is being re-mapped / re-drawn / re-appropriated by the traditional stakeholders and newcomers, be it private or state-owned corporations,...
  • Simon Jr., John F.. Are PC's PC? 10.8 Magazine 2, no. 2 (1991).
  • Arguendo
    Arguendo re-enacts the 1991 Supreme Court Case Barnes v. Glen Theatre, initiated by a group of go-go dancers against an Indiana law banning public nudity. Electronically mediated with references to relevant court cases and the First Amendment, the...
  • Artist: Armando MenicacciComment: