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...Magic Forest. 2002. Was made for the exhibition Head On in 2002, a show at the Science Museum on... the Science Museum on neurology and the brain. The work was produced in collaboration with...
... In 1989 Kac developed with Ed Bennett the telerobot Ornitorrinco, and with it a series... could engage in conversation. In 1989 Kac developed with Ed Bennett the telerobot...
1989-91 Post-graduate MFA, The University of Reading, Reading, England 1985-88 BA Gwent College of... 1989-91 Post-graduate MFA, The University of Reading, Reading, England 1985-88 BA Gwent College of...
... This interactive installation deals with the image we have of ourselves and of others. In... are activated in the temporal lobe of our brain each time we observe other people's actions....
... 5. Österreichischen Kunsthistorikertag 1989 , no. 5 (1990): 118-131.