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  • A performance for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments accompany a silent movie. Hey, it's a living. But slowly they realize that not only are they reacting to the image.
  • To create this 5-channel video sculpture the artist searched for abstract forms and movements of the human body that trigger powerful associations with the processes of life and death, transforming images of "innocent" body parts into fetishistic
  • ...Digital prints. Magical metamorphoses of the past are the genetic experiments of today ... as technology gives us powers earlier reserved for...
  • Multi-media found object and audio installation. The handsome young god Amor comes only at night under the cover of darkness to lie with his mortal wife, Psyche. To protect her from the wrath of his jealous mother Venus he has Psyche and her family
  • Tamiko Thiel is a media artist interested in the interplay of place, space, the body and cultural memory. She has done pioneering work in...
  • ...Thiel, Tamiko. Machina Cogitans In Genetic art - artificial life, edited by Karl Gerbel, 186-194. Wien: PVS-Verlag, 1993.
  • ...Thiel, Tamiko. The Design of the Connection Machine Design Issues 10, no. 1 (Spring 1994): 5-18.
  • ...Thiel, Tamiko. Machine Sapiens Ylem Newsletter 15, no. 6 (November/December 1995): 5-6.
  • ...Thiel, Tamiko. Life at the Interface of Art and Technology On Screen 18, no. 1 (Winter 2007): 32-34.
  • This interview was made for the exhibit „Not There“ at the Sabanci University Kasa Gallery, as part of ISEA2006 show UNCONTAINED - an official parallel exhibit to the 2011 Istanbul Biennial. "Not There" is an exhibition of artworks from the