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  • PingPongPlus -
    PingPongPlus is a digitally enhanced version of the classic ping-pong game. It is played with ordinary, un-tethered paddles and balls, and features a "reactive table" that incorporates sensing, sound, and projection technologies. Projectors display
  • Committee on Virtual Reality Research and Development and National Research Council, ed. Virtual Reality: Scientific and Technological Challenges. Atlanta, USA: The National Academies Press, 1995.
  • Event: Out of Bounds: New Work by Eight Southeast ArtistsInstitution: Atlanta Contemporary Art CenterComment:
  • Event: On Translation: The GameInstitution: Atlanta College of ArtComment:
  • Telematic Connections -
    In conjunction with Woodruff Art Center
  • Kac, Eduardo and Eric Vos and Johanna Drucker. Key Concepts of Holopoetry In Experimental - Visual - Concrete: Avant-Garde Poetry Since the 1960s, edited by K. David Jackson, 247-257. Amsterdam; Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996.
  • kondition pluriel is an interdisciplinary digital performance group founded by choreographer Marie-Claude Poulin and media artist Martin Kusch in 2000. Integrating body-based performance and digital arts, the artists generate a language outside of
  • DOMINGUES, DIANA MARIA G. Cenários cíbridos: átimos calmos em comunicação ubíqua e móvel por conexões transparentes In A Cibercultura em Transformação: Poder, Liberdade e Sociabilidade (ABCiber Vol.2), edited by Eugenio TRIVINHO and Edimilson
  • Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Desenho Industrial/UFSM (2015-). Profª Colaboradora junto ao PPGART/UFSM (2017). Doutora em Artes Visuais pelo PPGAV/ UFRGS (2012 - 2016), em História, Teoria e Crítica de Arte, na linha de pesquisa Relações