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  • Topobo -
    ... (static) and Active (motorized) components, people can quickly assemble dynamic...
  • The Tangible Bits platforms make complex use of physical objects and surfaces monitored by a range of sensors, augmented by a variety of graphical and ambient displays, and linked by a diverse combination of networked computers.
  • Third Person -
    Third Person is the second piece of the ShadowBox series of interactive displays with a built-in computerized tracking system. This piece shows the viewer's shadow revealing hundreds of tiny words that are in fact all the verbs of the dictionary
  • The Savant Guard -
    ... Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible...
  • dog[lab]01 -
    ... or quavering bleats (ESB? Dolly’s clone?), meowing (research for the perfect pet...
  • E-volve Wolf Lieser opened a new gallery [DAM]Cologne on the 24th April 2010. boredomresearch are exhibiting their computational systems Lost Calls of Cloud Mountain Whirligigs in the first exhibition ‘E-volve’ at the gallery. Lost Calls of Cloud
  • ... of individuals working in isolation from one another painted a tiny part of the bill...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    "This artwork illustrates a global currency through the creative formulation of an equation and a trading algorithm for the currency exchange market. The visionary creation of algorithmic trading combines art with the material that governs
  • ... there are over 100 cities with over one million inhabitants. We would like to give you...
  • Latent State - video
    This project was developed during 2009 as part of my MFA thesis at the Design Media Arts department at UCLA. It consisted in the creation of a live cinema piece using a number of resources for real-time AV performance and a combination of digital