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A monumental sculpture proposed for the Schouwburgplein in Rotterdam and constituted by massive letters forming the words NO THING.
Another type of Airground which resembled a large mattress, its upper and lower surfaces held together by interior ties.
Numerous disillusionary manipulations of domestic TV sets were made for a television broadcast by the V.P.R.O. For instance, the TV screen was replaced with a white painted black balloon on which film was projected - when the balloon was inflated the...
Three proposals for sculptures on the Hayward Gallery in London: a heap of giant inflatable potatoes on the terrace, an inflatable dome covered with a film projection which constituted a sphere of daytime sky during the night, and the whole building...
A city counsil street light repair vehicle was completely covered in tartan printed plastic. It drove nightly through Edinburgh broadcasting traditional bagpipe music and projecting tartan patterns onto the city's buildings. Also presented at this...
Three inflatable pavilions, each having a specific function, were specially commissioned for Sonsbeek buiten de perken. Besides the Information Pavilion, an air supported semi-sphere covered with sythetic grass, and the Video Studio, a tensile...
Inflatable replica of an exhibited sculpture by Ronald Bladen - this one the visitors could play with.
A large air-inflated cushion partially filled with air and water, which passers by could play on. The continuously splashing water inside this structure gave the work an idiosyncratic acustic quality.
An inflatable centipede whose 100 feet were provided for by the people who carried it through the streets. During the Moomba festival it was also floated on the Yarra river in Melbourne.
An installation in two rooms. One was filled with an inflatable structure that was slightly smaller than the room - visitors had to squeeze between it and the walls. In the other room the structure was larger than the room and so covered all its...