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  • ... it to be concurrent with the ambient lighting in the museum, meaning a coherent collage of the projected images with the...
  • ... was taken as a perceptual provocateur dissociated from its meaning ­ how was called in Brazil the short documentaries that were...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... each subtle shift to animate them, literally giving movement, meaning, and life to the images he creates. Kentridge’s interest in...
  • ... and research interests are extensive with analysis of meaning in data and visual research, including immersive content,...
  • Molecular Clinic 1.0 -
    ... static information viewed by the onlooker, but takes on its meaning from the interaction of users worldwide who manipulate and...
  • Non-weddings -
    ... the French theorist says. We rejoice in the multiple shifts of meaning that occur between a preconceived notion of a term/image...
  • ... Knowbotic is a coinage that combined “knowledge” with “robot”, meaning intellectual agent on the Internet. Knowbotic has developed some...
  • ... Her recent books are Context Providers – Conditions of Meaning in Media Arts (Intellect, 2011; Chinese edition, Beijing Beepub...
    ... by the change of context – it serves also to re- question the meaning of medical imagery in contemporary society. Bodyscope is a...
  • ... presented in the Key Code Section. This was a way to nest meaning where things could both be a word with meanin,g and then a...