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  • "Plot Against Time #1" captures the traces of pigeons and pedestrians on Venice's Piazza San Marco. Each moving thing etches itself across the surface of the image in a golden hue which fades as time passes through a ruddy brown to pure black before
  • Rudi Knoops is a PhD researcher at KU Leuven / LUCA School of Arts and is affiliated with the Inter-Actions research group at the Media, Arts and Design faculty (MAD-faculty) in Genk, Belgium. His practice-based PhD in audiovisual arts – for which
  • ARTEC 89 -
    The theme of the Biennale is 'the possibility for art and technology: high technology art as modern art, computers and artistic expression, high technology art as a means of expression, high technology art in urban environments'. It offered and
  • Weibel, Peter. Medienkunst, Gewalt, Staat und Subversion. Ein Gespräch mit Rudolf Maresch Symptome, Zeitschrift für epistemische Baustellen 12 (1993): 39-47 and 79f.
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. Anschauliches Denken: Zur Einheit von Bild und Begriff. Köln: DuMont, 1972.
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. Kunst und Sehen: Eine Psychologie des schöpferischen Auges. : De Gruyter, 1978.
  • Arnheim, Rudolf. The Coming and Going of Images Leonardo 33, no. 3 (2000): 167-168.
  • Sjoukje van der Meulen is an art historian, theorist and critic with a research focus on new media and digital culture. She received her PhD from the GSAPP at Columbia University (New York, 2009). She lived in the United States for 15 years
  • Territorism - video
    Dynamic video projection Project for the facade of Kunsthaus Bregenz (AT) Assistance: Patricia Köstring Sound: Nico Kirisits Post-production: Peter Koger, Manuel Maxl Recording and projection: Mäser digital media/Daniel Flatz Performer
  • Frieling, Rudolf and Dieter Daniels, ed. Medien Kunst Aktion: Die 60er und 70er Jahre in Deutschland. Wien, New York: Springer, 1997.