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  • ...NSA-USA takes as it point of departure the recent citizen spying scandal emanating from the activities of the National Security Agency. Both American and citizens outside the United States were surveilled and there is disagreement as to the whether Edward Snowden is a...
  • Media Facades -
    ... the event will promote a multi-disciplinary action research approach to technology, architecture and media art in modern cities. URBAN SCREENINGS ON MEDIA FACADES IN BERLIN Media facades are a new kind of exhibition format. Media artists and...
  • ... event. The group formed by undergraduate students in pedagogy and pedagogues from Rio de Janeiro was guided by Profa. Dr. Citizen Donato. In the first moment, a meeting was held with the executing team (figures 1 and 2), and in that opportunity the...
  • ... indicated on maps, such as specialized nonbuilding structures and other forms of soft infrastructure. We hope it will help citizen scientists, artists, humanitarians, journalists, and other curious people to identify and track "patterns of interest"....
  • ...Kera Denisa. Entrepreneurs, squatters and low-tech artisans: DIYbio and Hackerspace models of citizen science between EU, Asia and USA ISEA2011 Istanbul (September 2011).
  • ... The project Stimmungsgasometer is about a smiley on a huge screen from which one can read the average mood of the Berlin citizens. The system allows to read emotions out of random peoples faces. The faces are analyzed by sophisticated software...
  • Recycle a Boeing -
    ... aircraft flying over the city coupled with the desire to increase cheap and frequent connections between Nantes and other EU cities, RECYCLE A BOEING / RECYCLING A BOEING will deconstruct the subject of mobility, consumption, economy class travel and...
  • Art Futura
  • Time in between -
    ... two places with 24 locations and 24 Taiwanese people strolling in Paris. By seamlessly overlaying urban images from the two cities at different hours of the day, 24 hours in the existence of a strange composite zone emerges. The present in the past, the...
  • ... shapes public the consciousness unexpectedly far away from art, culture and education. On the other hand, the mood of the citizens is reflected in the emotionally charged terms chosen by some four thousand visitors to the Energy Passages during a...