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  • ...Grau, Oliver. Novas Imagens da Vida: Realidade virtual e arte genética In Arte e Vida no Século XXI: Tecnologia, ciéncia e criatividade, edited...
  • ...Maite Cajaraville combines her artistic career with curator commissions since 1993. She is a media and video artist and AV performer whose...
  • ...Artist/academic. She studied an MsC in information technology applied to arts at Chalmers University of Technology and a PhD in Digital arts and...
  • ...ischmann, Monika and Christian Bohn and Wolfgang Strauss. Liquid Views In Arte Virtual, edited by Rafael Lozano-HemmerMadrid, ESP: Electa...
  • ...Gregory Chatonsky is an artist born in Paris in 1971. He currently resides in Montreal and Paris. He holds a philosophy master’s from the...
  • ...Alessio Chierico (Ph.D.) is an interdisciplinary artist, researcher and lecturer with a background in contemporary art, design theory and media...
  • ... Intervenções urbanas 1.0 In Intervenções urbanas. Arte/Cidade, edited by Nelson Brissac PeixotoSão Paulo, Brazil: Senac, ...
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Arte Virtual - Doce propuestas de Arte Reactivo, edited by Rafael...
  • ...Sommerer, Christa and Laurent Mignonneau. Interactive Plant Growing In Arte Virtual - Realidad Plural, edited by Karin OhlenschlägerMonterrey,...
  • ... in colleges and universities in the UK. He was Reader for Art and Digital Media Practice at Thames Valley University from...