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  • ...Mateo Zlatar is a New-York based digital artist and composer. His work crosses diverse media and disciplines, including interactive... crosses diverse media and disciplines, including interactive installation, motion graphics, data visualization and music. He holds...
  • Amplitude
    ... experimental research into the principles of the Radius installation, Amplitue concentrates once more on the direct and...
  • ...A virtual projection installation created the illusion of looking through the theatre entrance doors at fictional scenes situated in the real...
  • Cyber Necktie -
    ...Interactive Cyber Necktie is an interactive graphic installation through which the user can create and produce, in real time, his own...
  • ...Media bubble doesn’t blow up without a consumer, the installation doesn’t work without the visitor. To make the media field buzzing, to create...
  • Seeing is believing -
    ... a one-man exhibition at Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art,Japan. "Seeing is Believing" consists of three works. "Empty... The installation to see the invisible. An installation for a one-man exhibition at Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art,Japan. "Seeing is...
  • ...Video installation [English title, 'co-distortion'] In the installation 'Co-Verzerrung', the classical game of anamorphosis is transmuted into...
  • ...The Blackest Spot was a five-projector room-sized interactive installation that explored the representation of crowds and the myriad reasons for...
  • ... There's no simulation like home is the culmination of artistic telematic research since 1992. The exterior of the... This installation entitled There's no simulation like home is the culmination of artistic telematic research since 1992. The exterior of...
  • Là bas... -
    ...In Là-bas… (There…) the artist Claudia Robles-Angel provides an installation focussing on the transition from light to darkness, interweaving... In Là-bas… (There…) the artist Claudia Robles-Angel provides an installation focussing on the transition from light to darkness, interweaving...