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  • Animal Nature is an exhibition concept that has developed out of an ongoing, expanding web-project entitled Criminal Animal found at Criminal Animal is intended to bring together a wide range of artists, critics, scholars
    Event: SITE SPECIFICInstitution: W139Comment:
  • ENERGY PASSAGES 2004 Energy Passages transforms the ordinary into something extraordinary. The daily newspaper becomes a poetic audio-visual field of keywords flowing through urban space. The installation is designed to make visitors think about how
  • Cell Ghosts -
    This work captures the viewer moving through space with a live camera, with their image projected in particles that is stored in memory and appear later as a ghost. The person passing by also activates text. The ambient sounds are a composition of
  • The Spectrascope -
    The gallery installation of The Spectrascope consists of a large scale projection of the image updating in real-time accompanied by the 'fear frequency'*. This is an audio frequency of 19hz, which is just below the range of normal
  • The society is always changing in a consequence of complex patterns of influences. The changes do not occur in a smooth flow but happens at different speeds at different times. The development of technology is given great importance in the history
  • The luminal tunnel of Eero Saarinen's TWA Terminal at JFK International Airport was always the perfect symbolic experience of the future. With its plunging vanishing point and soaring roofline, Saarinen's theatrical passage embodied, if not created,
  • - is a data-mining and database project in two parts: 1. A search function: it searches web sites and library catalogues for words which signify the"big" questions of philosophy, religion, and science. It stores the words and
  • I was invited to do a site specific installation in Travana, Slovakia. The gallery was an abandoned synagogue. I shot a video in Tranava and developed a series of street signs in the style of normal street signs. They presented short poetic lines
  • Kusahara, Machinko. From Ukiyo-e to Mobile Phone Screens - A Japanese Perspective In Migrating Images, edited by Peter C. Seel and Petra StegmannBerlin: House of World Cultures: 2004.