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  • ... the Arts. The videos for the net-art piece were selected from approximately 200 15-minute videos captured in special events...
  • Brower, Joke and Arjen Mulder, ed. Information Is Alive. Rotterdam, NL: V2_Publishing, 2003.
  • ... where each viewer is an inter-actor and whereby a Beckettian betterment may be endlessly rehearsed. © Jeffrey Shaw Sinan Goo created a computational model of that toy and applied it to the musculoskeletal physiology of these simulated human...
  • ... différenciées. Hal, Ifbot, S.O. ou Robject • (Ex. Ifbot) approche anthropomorphique le serviteur domestique • Hal (Kubrick 2001…)...
  • La Membrane -
    ... du visiteur repousse ou attire la première surface pour laisser apparaître la seconde qui évolue à son tour pour faire entrevoir la...
  • Sleeping Bed -
    ... societies whose members drift away during the day and apparantly lack a regulated sleep rhythm. Rites of initiation, held at...
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Video als Raumkunst In Video – Apparat/Medium, Kunst, Kultur. Ein internationaler Reader, edited by Siegfried Zielinsky,...
  • ...0er Jahren haben sich zwischen den Künstler und sein Publikum jede Menge Apparate und Apparaturen geschoben. Kommunikation geschieht geplant,...
  • ...Weibel, Peter. Eigenwelt der Apparatewelt Rogue 17 (December 1992): 12-15.
  • ...Event: Eigenwelt der Apparatewelt / Proprietary world in the machines worldInstitution: INM (Institut für Neue Medien)Comment: