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  • ... out the elaboratebranching structures for a work. I communicate this and work with the programmer to bring everything together, testthe system, and make changes. Some generative works take multiple “tweekings”. My latest work is in RecombinantInformatics,...
  • ... interface fordancers to measure muscle tension for interactive dance works. During that workshop I had theopportunity to test software which created interactive works. After that workshop, the next projectI wanted to develop occurred to me and I...
  • ... a textprompt or an image prompt. In collaboration with a small group of graduate studentsthis past fall, we investigated and tested how these software work. In the process Icreated a series in MidJourney 3 on the themes of “imaginary workspaces” and...
  • ...5Ars Electronica. “In Kepler’s Garden. A global journey mapping the ‘new’ world” pp. 205 (2020) kondition pluriel’s latest work “Swarming Lounge 2.0” (2022), is an augmented mixedreality experience that allows the spectators to circumnavigate in an exhibition...
  • ... virtual block creatures. A population of several hundred creatures is created within a supercomputer, and each creature is tested for their ability to perform a given task, such the ability to swim in a simulated water environment. Those that are most...
  • Tesla Electric -
    ... find lots of information on Tesla on the web, particularly from the International Tesla Society. In this production, we tested a new method of immersing an audience into a virtual scene. In the past we have relied on real-time graphics to give our...
  • Legal Tender -
    ... or imprisoned.'' After clicking "proceed", the results of the experiment were illustrated. Samples of the burn test are illustrated.
  • Petit Mal -
    ... is a focal issue: interactive behavior is defined by the cultural experience of the human visitor. As in the Turing Test, evaluation of interactivity is subjective.
  • ... Donald P Nym, the successful managing director of a large bank and Chrissy Hastings, a young woman who takes part in drug tests and implant experiments to fund her own purchase of black market biotech surgery including a microchip on which she has...
  • ... ANNA AND ANDY uses Tolstoys novel as a script which drives a computer-generated re-creation of Warhol´s "Screen Tests." Interpretation (Lev Manovich, Los Angeles, 8.12.2000) ------------- ANNA KARENINA. This heroine of Lev...