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  • eural is a printed magazine established in 1993 dealing with new media art, electronic music and hacktivism. It was founded by Alessandro...
  • Intabyu, Roy. Intabyu In The Multimedia and Cultural Evolution, edited by M. Sekiguchi, 94-99. Tokyo, Japan: Nippon Telegraph and Telephone...
  • ...Curator: Atsuhito Sekiguchi
  • ... image and text, Omniscient, was awarded 1st in the Imaging New Eurasia exhibition in Gwangju (SK, 2015). She was a poet and artist in...
  • The Return of Ulysses -
    ... Elise Gäbele - Amore/Minerva Mark Adler - Eumete/Eurimaco/Giove Adrian Kohler, Busi Zokufa, Tau Qwelane, Fourie...
  • ... by Kazuo Ohno. Photographs of Butoh by Nourit Masson-Sekine.
  • ...Paukku, Timo. Tekoelaemaen Evoluutio etenee sekunneissa Helsingin Sanomat (March 27th 1993).
  • Goldsegen
    ... photo of them holding their answer in a shower of lucky gold Euro coins. The photo was printed out on the spot as a credit-card...
  • ... MARS-Exploratory Media Lab offers production grants of 2.500 Euro each for the best students. The winners are selected by an...
  • Time Value -
    ... flow rate proportional to the time worked by a person for 1 euro. The clock also displays real-time data to calculate the value of...