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  • ...Pixelpark Interactive Environments created the Mercedes-Benz Info Designer for the Auto Salon Paris 2000 and made this special service an...
  • ... (Claudia Larcher), mixed-media wall installations (Carla Mercedes Hihn, Judith Sönnicken) or painting and installation (Dominik...
  • ... been collaborations with BASF on molecular design and with Mercedes on virtual wind tunnel testing of car designs. The artists...
  • ... graphic sound transformation function. An extract from a video gleaned on the Internet, with only the sound on. Video extracts of...
  • ... fold / frenzied / foreign / formula g glance / gently / game / gleen / gesture h heighten / halation / hamper / hindrance / hint /...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... environment can also be qualified by repositioning text gleened from that space and further explored in a re-contextualised...
  • Gleich, Michael. Web of Life. Die Kunst vernetzt zu leben. Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 2002.
  • Gleich, Michael and Jeffrey Shaw, ed. The Web of Life Project: Linking Art and Science. Karlsruhe: ZKM, 2004.
  • 598 -
    ... Sehen eines Untergrundes, der schon über die Jahrhunderte in gleicher Weise beweidet wurde.
  • In Medias Res -
    ... Schubert, Anja Schwörer kuratiert von Ursula Ströbele Kommen wir gleich zur Sache und gehen ohne Umschweife ‘mitten in die Dinge‘. Die...