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  • Fisher, Scott S.. Virtual Interface Environment In IEEE/AIAA 7th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Fort Worth, Texas, October 13–16, 1986, Fort Worth, Texas: 1986.
  • bug[lab]02 -
    The installation gathers a group of 10 robotic dogs in which some punctual and random bugs emerge (this is almost a pleonasm) in order to ironically illustrate the potential consequences of some functional problems in the system. It consists of
  • Ellen Pearlman is a New York based media artist, curator, writer and critic. She is a Research Fellow at MIT, Senior Research Assistant Professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia and a Contributing Editor to Performance Arts Journal (PAJ) MIT
  • Cuir, Raphaël, ed. Hybridation & art contemporain. Paris: Al Dante/AICA, 2013.
  • Curator: Atsuhito Sekiguchi
  • Andres-Leonardo Burbano-Ceron and Adriana Barreto-Sosa and Aida Gonzalez-Carsolio and Andrea Aida Velasco-Medina and Guillermo Velázquez-Sámano. Botox Injections in Larynx as a Treatment for Vocal Cord Dysfunction WAO Journal (FEBRUARY 2012):
  • Logo.Hallucination -
    Artworks Logo.Hallucination November, 2006 Is the economic dynamics of the collective hallucination leading us towards a privatization of the glance? Logo.Hallucination continuously monitors the images circulating on the Internet looking
  • La performance est la présentation d'un projet de recherche technologique proposée en 2013 (soit 10 ans plus tard) Présentée sur une estrade, projection sur tulle en avant scène des illustrations animées qui semblent flotter dans l’espace. Speaker
  • En septembre 1995 Les visiteurs du musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal et ceux du Centre Georges Pompidou à Paris creusaient chacun de leur côté un tunnel virtuel à la rencontre les uns des autres. Deux ans plus tard ce premier maillon d’un tunnel
  • GENMA - video
    GENMA is a machine, that enables us to manipulate 'Nature'. Nature exemplary is represented as artificial nature of a micro scale: abstract amoeboid artificial three-dimensional forms and shapes. Principles of artificial life and