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  • Park View Hotel -
    ... pointing devices, audiences in the park can access interior hotel spaces, by... Fairmont Hotel. Using specially-built pointing devices, audiences in the park can access...
  • Pulse Park -
    ...In Pulse Park, evening visitors to Madison Square Park have their systolic and diastolic activity...
  • ...Event: Sonsbeek park unlimitedInstitution: Sonsbeek ParkComment:
  • ...Event: lGEOGOO (INFO PARK) by JODIInstitution: iMALComment:
  • ...Preliminary documentation of "Through the Vanishing Point" by David Rokeby and Lewis Kaye. The...
  • Point to Point -
    ..."Point to Point" (Networked installation, website, computer, projector, and video cameras) is a public...
  • Point of Departure -
    Point of Departure was commissioned for the Spanish Pavilion at the 1992 Seville World Expo in Spain,...
  • ...mission for the Seattle Art Museum Olympic Sculpture ParkInstitution: Seattle Art MuseumComment: