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  • The Frog Princess -
    ...The Frog Princess, "carte blanche" project, Jozsa gallery, Brussels, Belgium, May...
  • Stream I Stream II -
    ... of the word "stream", such as streaming (downloading) data over the... presence, both physical and remote (virtual), and asks "what...
  • Campos | Temporales -
    ...150 Media Stream has been curating video installations for its unique... featuring work by Chicago-area and international artists.
  • Supertube -
    ... could be added to the air stream. around wildly in the sky. Smoke and confetti could be added to the air...
  • ...Bad Reception displays an ever changing stream of news related imagery which...
  • Sacred Code -
    ... literally reading the text as a stream of zeroes and ones. At this... Testament, The New Testament and the Koran, as seen through a...
  • ... see the internet reply with a stream of changing images and fragments... comfortable couch, a fireplace and floor to ceiling projections on the...
  • Bubble Order -
    ...Length: 5min. 30sec. A stream of water recorded from two different camera angles... screen. The movement of texts and digital wipe patterns in...
  • Romeo to Tripoli -
    ... and G. Vanni in 1905. A stream of vitriolic acid, modulated by... Based on a hydraulic microphone and spark gap transmitter devised by Q.Majorana...
  • Der Schrei
    ... constant, penetrating, cyclical stream of sound that is modulated by... rotates around its own axis and produces a constant, penetrating,...