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  • Four participants enter into a small, closed off, pitch black dark room. The room houses a large architectural construction: 4, 1 x 6 meter long tunnels outfitted with a series of taught, fabric muslin screens. The rear screen is solid while the
  • Sandquake -
    Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it gradually rose up and erupted out of the sand.
  • sandbox -
    driessens & verstappen sandbox, 2009 Wood, lacquer, metal, fans, sand, electronics, 245 x 122 x 176 cm Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Acknowledgements: The Netherlands Foundation for Visual Arts, Architecture and Design,
  • Schwarz, Hans-Peter, ed. Medien - Kunst - Geschichte. Anläßlich der Eröffnung des Museums für Neue Kunst, ZKM, Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe am 18. Oktober 1997, Medienmuseum th ed.München, London, New York: Prestel Verlag, 1997.
  • SandScape -
    SandScape is a tangible interface for designing and understanding landscapes through a variety of computational simulations using sand. Users view these simulations as they are projected on the surface of a sand model that represents the terrain.
  • NANO Mandala -
    The Nanomandala is an installation by media artist Victoria Vesna, in collaboration with nanoscience pioneer James Gimzewski. The installation consists of a video projected onto a disk of sand, 8 feet in diameter. Visitors can touch the sand as
  • Sand, Michael. Who´s Afraid of Cyberspace Tate: The Art Magazine 6 (Summer 1995): 36-39.
  • Schwarz, Hans-Peter. Retroactive and Interactive Media Art. On the Works of Agnes Hegedüs In Agnes Hegedüs – Interactive works, Kunst und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bonn, edited by Agnes Hegedüs and ZKM Karlsruhe: ZKM
  • Sandquake -
    Air structure event with Theo Botschuijver Shown at TV Gallery Gerry Schum, Camargue, France, 1969. Long lengths of polythene tubing were buried in the sand at a beach in the Camargue in France. This tubing was then slowly inflated so that it
  • Underglow -
    ... were visible from dusk to dawn from November...