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  • Sandra Alvaro is a scholar working on the encounters between art, science and society. Primarily dedicated to contemporary aesthetics, her recent work focuses on how the technological and societal changes from postmodernity affect and have been
  • Alvaro, Sandra and . Rendre la Terre Habitable (2024): 38 -59.
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Rendre la Terre Habitable (2024): 38 - 59.
  • Alvaro, Sandra and Guillermo Alonso R. and Federico López-Silvestre. “Reversing Ruins: Artistic Interventions for Recovering from Disaster Capitalism” In Planet Earth: Scientific Proposals to Solve Urgent Issues, edited by A. Núñez-Delgado, 83 -
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Art, Eco-aesthetics and Cosmopolitics In Green Revisited. Encountering Emerging Naturecultures in Art and Research, edited by Jeans Hauser and Kristin Bergaust and Raitis Smits and Rasa Smite, 217 - 236. : RIXC, 2022.
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Practiced, Conceived and Lived space in the Postdigital City 22 (2022): 47 - 58.
  • .. The wide spectrum of his research projects includes: media archaeology of Latin America, 3D-modelling of Photogrammetry technology and data-translation into digital media ..
  • Alvaro, Sandra. Artistic production and embodied information. Tracking Spaces of Transformation In VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES New Experiences, Art and Ecologies in Immersive Environments, edited by Raitis Smits and Rasa Smite: RIXC, 2019.
  • The piece, being a part of the show “It’s Two Minutes to Midnight,” provides viewers with an educational journey on humankind’s history of de- and re-nuclearization. The show, organized by Weinberg/Newton Gallery in collaboration with the Bulletin
  • CRISPR-Cas9 is contrasted with Nude in box-reclining (1962) and Sand Dune Nude (1967) by Ruth Bernhard and Dix Rayogrammes de Man Ray et un Texte de Pierre Bost by Man Ray (1931).