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  • LV
  • 1997 ZKM-Medienmuseum Karlsruhe: »Media Art History«
  • Artec'97
  • Sprache Sehen -
    Computer-controlled interactive light installation Polytechnic school Bregenz (AT), extension Baumschlager/Eberle, competition, realization 1996–8 [English title, 'Seeing Language'] In each of the three staircases of the new building of the HTL...
  • Stairs -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' 24 bags are arranged in 4 horizontal rows, forming a staircase. From a frontal view, a rectangular spatial body is created by the identical shape of the bags (white rectangular form, handles). This object is leaning...
  • Tattoo -
    Video installation Series 'Bags' A variable number of paper bags form a rosette shape on the floor. From the top, pictures of tattoo motifs are projected onto the bags. The projection body seemingly becomes the surface of a human body.
  • Nach drei Tagen der Probe wurde die halbstünige ‚Performance’ dem Publikum präsentiert. Als Performer wurden zwei Tänzerinnen, Maya Brosch und Martina Leeker, eingeladen sowie eine Expertengruppe die im anschliessenden Workshop dies für das Theater...
  • The 22tv System was used to extend the symposium to on-line participants from Germany, Italy, Denmark, Croatia, and the USA for commenting the lectures..
  • Virtual Terms -
    Computer-controlled light installation with three LED bars Lower Austria State Academy, St Pölten (A), competition 1992, realization 1997 (after moving to the government district of St Pölten) The installation 'Virtual Terms' was designed for the...
  • Klotz, Heinrich, ed. Perspektiven der Medienkunst / Media Art Perspectives. ISBN 3-89322815-2, ZKM Edition th ed.Ostfildern: Cantz Verlag, 1996.