Archive Search

  • Re-new Festival -
    Event: Re-new FestivalInstitution: Danish Radio BroadcastComment:
  • Live!iXem2011 -
    Event: Live!iXem2011Institution: Instituto CervantesComment:
  • Event: Bits to Pieces- 5th Moscow BiennaleInstitution: Moscow BiennaleComment:
  • Djinni in a Bottle -
    Event: Djinni in a BottleInstitution: Galerie Lisi HämmerleComment:
  • Water e-Motion: Transformative Views, paper and online presentation by Lila Moore
  • The Undivided Mind -
    Title of paper and presentation: Fields of Networked Mind: Ritual Consciousness and the Factor of Communitas in Networked Rites of Compassion
  • Event: NEXT NATURE / juried poster exhibitionInstitution: Ionion Center for the Arts and CultureComment:
  • Event: Floating SignsInstitution: Hafen BregenzComment:
  • Havana Biennial 2015 -
    Event: Havana Biennial 2015Institution: Bienal de la HabanaComment:
  • Körper/Body -
    Event: Körper/BodyInstitution: Werkstadt GrazComment: