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  • ADA -
    analog interactive installation / kinetic sculpture / post-digital drawing machine
  • Remote Sensing -
    Plaster, pigment and resin.
  • While Darkness Sleeps -
    While Darkness Sleeps is a series of images of underwater creatures seen through the process of microscopy. Employing a dissection microscope, the specimen is placed in a Petri dish on the stage of the microscope. A camera is attached to the...
  • Vanitas ( in a Petri dish), a series of digital photographs bringing the concept of vanitas into the 21st century. In prior centuries, vanitas paintings warned against the excesses of material culture. Expressing the futility of life and its...
  • Biota -
    Biota is a porcelain sculptural installation employing the morphology of the sea sponge as a matrix. Arranged on low-standing Plexiglas platforms, the sculptures appear as if they were dead coral. In the sea, such exoskeleton frameworks signal the...
  • Cycloramadrome -
    Cycloramadrome is a project in which the spectators can interact with the work in the immersive ambient environment. Exploiting the technology of 360-degree projection developed in the 50s, the artist sets out to utilize aspects of the surrounding...
  • Seit den 90er Jahren haben sich zwischen den Künstler und sein Publikum jede Menge Apparate und Apparaturen geschoben. Kommunikation geschieht geplant, kontrolliert, reduziert, erweitert – kurz: posthuman. Dabei wird in Kauf genommen, dass jedes...
    ART AND MYTHOANALYSISArtist: Hervé FischerComment:
  • Whenever the inequitable distribution of resources crosses into territories once thought impossible, Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) has responded with a public party to highlight the achievements of various oligarchies and plutocracies in a manner that...
  • CAE transforms statistical data on global economic inequality into an embodied spatial experience. Using a helicopter, participants are lifted to hover at a height that allows them to visualize the economic separation of the top 1% from the bottom...