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  • wordotcomnodot -
    é um ensaio sobre a condição da palavra no contexto digital. Apresenta uma antologia da literatura criada para a Internet, um guia comentado de sites sobre a criação e o desenvolvimento de conteúdos com hipertexto, e um fórum aberto ao público sobre...
  • Poetrica -
    Poetrica is an investigation about reading and reception in entropic and cybrid situations and a practice of appropriation of the advertisement system as public space.

    It was launched at Galeria Vermelho, in São Paulo, 2003, and closed in P0es1s,...
  • egoscopio 2.0 -
    egoscopio 2.0 is a multi-user platform which allows simultaneous submissions of texts, images and flash animations by SMS, MMS and the Web to a big electronic display.

    The content generated by the audience is presented in real time on a 3 x 4...
  • The Shredder -
    Shred the Web! An Alternative web browser that turns web pages into digital confetti. At a time when the web browser struggled against print metaphors like magazine and newspapter to find it's own identity, The Shredder revealed the "soft" nature of...
  • Digital Landfill -
    An neverending archive of digital trash. The artist has created an interface, in which the User can copy files from his computer or foreign websites - he can trash them. In a few seconds the files appear in different layers on the monitor. Now you...
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    "The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a cultural/commercial symbol and pop-icon. He published his original Distorted Barbie both on his own site at...
  • plastic trade-off -
    in cooperation with Gerald Nestler ---

    plastic trade-off is a light sculpture as well as a virtual knowledge space. It visualizes global financial markets and thus a core element of global economy.
    plastic trade-off could be described as a...
  • Epiphanies - video
    My first piece, Epiphanies is a conceptual Google Hack inspired by James Joyce’s definition of the epiphany. It is considered as one of the very first pieces of “Google Art”, probably the first…

    In 2001, Google wasn’t yet the Internet icon...
  • The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes...
  • Last Life -
    Connectez votre webcam qui filme une partie de votre vie, de votre environnement ou du monde réel alentours.

    Le Reality Show appliqué au jeu vidéo en ligne Votre webcam devient une fenêtre dans Last Life, la dernière vie, la votre.
    Si les autres...