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  • ...An interactive video and audio installation, which was performed at 5Pointz Art Center in Long Island City, NYC. Video clips are mixed and... interactive video and audio installation, which was performed at 5Pointz Art Center in Long Island City, NYC. Video clips are mixed and...
  • ...A Video Essay about Brazilian artist Eduardo Kac by Tomas Durkin  A Video Essay about Brazilian artist Eduardo Kac by Tomas Durkin 
  • ... These images are first created (by anyone) by drawing on a video touch-screen. A microcomputer then controls the functioning of...
  • ...Water Catalogue Linear Video 1984 1984, 27:30 min, color, sound A lyrical fusion of hypnotic images, original music and spoken narrative text,... A Bill Seaman Production in association with The Contemporary Art Television (CAT) Fund. A project of The Institute of Contemporary...
  • ...A video monitor on the floor faces upwards and over its screen there is a transparent container filled with water. At the center of this...
  • ...Portrait on the Fly – Video Portraits ©2015, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented by: DAM Galerie Berlin, Galerie Charlot Paris... video sequences where the moving portraits of well-known media art pioneers, scholars, artists, theorist, gallerist and organizers...
  • ... same time the conductor may trigger specific fragments from a videodisc (visual/sonic/textual) a random mode may be scanning the... A machine that describes the rules governing the extension of artificial intelligence. A machine that becomes a window. A machine...
  • ...A telematic performance where the movements of a sensor glove control video, which is reacting to sound from a remote location. The sound is...
  • INTERMITTENT - video
    ...INTERMITTENT is an audio-visual non-loop installation. The video and sound material is controlled by a dynamical system in the background.. The... regularity and improvisation is turned into a generative art installation and situates itself beyond classical video loops or...
  • ...This was an improvisation performance with digital projections and live video, with script written by Esteban Ulrich. The software Moldeo was... Cultural Borges in Buenos Aires, December 11, 2005, as part of the Tecno Escena 05 festival. During this short improvisation...