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  • ... A monitor was placed on a mattress on the floor with its screen facing upwards. On the monitor screen moving rows of text were...
  • ... which is on a column in front of a large projection screen. Each viewer sees the result of their own actions on the... where viewers who are physically separated from each other can share an aesthetic figuration in the televirtual space. At each...
  • ... bodies in real space, generating drawings on the electronic screen by different groupings of moving figures. The scenes are...
  • ...This series of artworks contemplates the screen and its origins. My time in the villages of Southeast Asia has shown me an array of organic...
  • Moving Movie - video
    ... slowly rotating turntable, using a translucent cylindrical screen so one can see on both sides. The result is a very natural...
  • ... and closely related. A finely perforated projection screen was visibly divided into sixteen sections. Behind each section...
  • ... are medical books, personnal objects mixed whith eletronical screens. One slide image appears and disappears on the wall. Just like...
  • ... was constituted by two structural elements: a large projection screen and an optical viewing console with an automated pair of slide...
  • ... of a computer-generated image that is projected onto a large screen in front of them. The image is a half octagonal cylinder,... can meet. Three viewers using multi-axis joysticks share the interactive manipulation of a computer-generated image that...
  • ... consisted of a computer graphics video projection onto a large screen at the far end of the room opposite the entrance. Infra-red...