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  • ... attains an explosive sociopolitical dimension when people from radically different cultures or social backgrounds encounter each...
  • ... if the spectator moves her head during this process then radially patterned distortions are created. In this way the spectators...
  • Architext - video
    ... that are being presented in the theater. Thus the sculpture radiates fragments of texts from the current stage production to the...
  • eavesdrop - video
    ... artwork is driven by any member of the public who, as the free radical user-director, reveals the secrets embedded in the...
  • ... bizarre forms of interactions and communications. Six old style radios from the 1950ies have been modified and “enhanced” with our...
  • ... Think about real change that can be made and start to have radical change in your engagement with society and its organization....
  • ... actual activities are blurry but hypothetically link him to radical causes in Berlin and the Far East. In one image he is hanging...
  • Long Wave - video
    ... vaults of the ceiling. "long wave" is a materialization of a radio wave, a normally invisible, but constantly present feature of...
  • ... in physically calculated light that uses a specially developed radiosity algorithm to cast shadows and make individual objects glow...
  • Between 0/1 - video
    ... Dorner has put it: "Every movement of the point of view radically changes the view of space."