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  • A 7-minute, single-channel digital videopoem (edition of 5). This work takes language into a domain of trance where the subtle dissolution and reconfiguration of verbal particles is charged with a feeling that is at once calm and tense.
  • Jackpot is an Internet slot machine that downloads three randomly selected web sites and displays them in the browser's window along with their top level domain names. You win by matching any of the top level domains. The winner can submit a URL of
  • SonoMorphis - video
    An organic object is projected in front of the visitors. By means of a control mechanism the user can rotate the object in all directions and observe it from various perspectives. Control sliders allow the viewer to vary diverse parameters of the
  • Notes for Sleepers Guts Seaman/Forsythe Exchange over the pacific (weave of the airline trajectory) 26 / 09 / 95 (part 2) just sitting here in sydney - 9 / 10 / 95 (part 3) Part 3 a attraction / architecture / association / algorithm / arresting /
  • Face to Facebook texts from www.face ‐ to ‐ by Paolo Cirio and Alessandro Ludovico. 2011 Logline: Stealing 1 million Facebook profiles, filtering them with face ‐ recognition software and then posting them on a custom ‐ made dating
  • Anthroposcope Concept Anthroposcope is an interactive installation involving a microscope, a real plant and a fingertip pulse sensor. The heart bit sensor being clipped onto the visitor's fingertip, he or she can explore through the viewfinder of
  • "Interactive Plant Growing" is an installation, which deals with the principle of the growth of virtual plant organisms and their change and modification in real time in the 3-dimensional virtual space of a 4D Graphics Computer (Silicon Graphics).
  • A-Volve - video
    In the interactive real-time environment "A-Volve" visitors interact with virtual creatures in the space of a water filled glass pool.These virtual creatures are products of evolutionary rules and influenced by human creation and decision.
  • Phototropy - video
    "Phototropy" is a biological expression describing the force, that keeps organisms or organs, like for example bacteria or plants, following the light, in order to get nutrition and hence, to survive. The interactive computer installation
  • Trans Plant - video
    "Trans Plant" is a interactive computer installation, developed by Sommerer & Mignonneau for the Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography and displayed there for a period of 3 years. In "Trans Plant" visitors enter a semi-circled room and become