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  • ...Continuous Sound and Image Moments is a hand-drawn black-and-white animated film loop with no beginning or end. Conceived as a cinematic... Continuous Sound and Image Moments is a hand-drawn black-and-white animated film loop with no beginning or end. Conceived as a cinematic...
  • ... Clone I”, she created an interactive installation, the “Great Image of Eve Clone”, to further explore the relationship between humans...
  • ... raised circular steel construction within which the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera pointed at... edge of a raised circular steel construction within which the image of a black bull was painted on the white floor. A video camera...
  • ... as if embossed before entering into the wireframes of the black computer space. There, it splits into six images, surrounding the... series of the Making of Eve Clone I video, extending the digital images of da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man and Eve Clone into a real space....
  • ...In this work a chrome-plated column stands on a round black terrazzo base inlaid with brass signs representing a Hebraic astrological map. This... the opening in the column, the spectator sees a large virtual image projected into the museum space - this image is overlaid on his...
  • ... But slowly they realize that not only are they reacting to the image. Somehow, the image is also reacting to them. Brazenly they toss...
  • Telescanfax - video
    ...The procedure consists of reading the current images from television with a hand scanner and then directly sent these images transformed by a...
  • ... ment that the work was shown inside a specially constructed black box - but wherever possible the work was integrated into and... a specially constructed completely dark room. The video image is projected over the whole ceiling, and the floor is entirely...
  • ... GENERATIVE CM5 SERIES 1993 Remembering AI in the early 1990s: Image generation with the CM-5 connection machine of the Thinking...
  • ... into colors using 4 sine functions: one for each RGB color + black.