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  • The Thoughtbody EnvironmentArtist: Bill SeamanComment:
  • EVE is a research and development project initiated at the ZKM Karlsruhe in cooperation with the Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe. It encompasses the conceptual and technical development of a new form of interactive immersive visualisation environment
  • "MIC Exploration Space" shall be used for the communication between participants through images and extended integration of real-time interaction in virtual space. The place functions as a new form of integration space, where real-time
  • Stage environment (after Douglas R Hofstadter: Gödel, Escher, Bach) [English title, The MU Puzzle] A media environment was integrated into the stage design of 'Mu-Rätsel', a theatrical production by Hubsi Kramar, shown in the Schauspielhaus Graz as
  • ... and media performances designed for a fulldome virtual reality environment. An immersive visual and sound environment, paired with...
  • ... and media performances designed for a fulldome virtual reality environment. An immersive visual and sound environment, paired with...
  • ... bodies as an interface between the spectators and the media environment. By manipulating the sensors, spectators can modify...
  • Coleoptera - video
    ... using a series of commands. They can also interact with their environment. Programming language usually include commands (functions)...
  • ... bodies as an interface between the spectators and the media environment. By manipulating the sensors, spectators can modify...
  • Pii - video
    ... a variable work that interacts with the audience and its environment. The work explores the aesthetic possibilities arising...