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  • ... fallen victim to wrong interpretation? Elke Reinhuber's approach to explicate this...
  • ... represented, when we make decisions? Elke Reinhuber participated in a study on...
  • Decidophobia - video
    ... cannot be settled easily. Instead Elke Reinhuber offers to see for yourself in her...
  • Sleep is by no means the tranquil affair we think it is, constant movement between the sheets and a perpetual regulation of body temperature and breathing rate: it’s a wonder we can get any rest from it.
  • ...With this work Elke Reinhuber is imagining a world in which only robots are extant. They are...
  • A lively pedestrian crossing in the heart of Germany’s capital Berlin: people are allowed to walk on the road in any direction, as long as the lights are green, so they hurry; at least most of them. But you can eavesdrop on what they think, just by
  • Peeping into a mirror-clad triangular prism, a surveillance camera observes images of its own species, while the kaleidoscopic reflections turn the devices into floral ornaments, referring to the ever-growing arrays of CCTV equipment in a tropical
  • Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different sort The human eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells with loads of information. Only later the important is segregated from the insignificant, but far more
  • Heroes are hard to find. The few, who are considered to be worth remembering, are placed somewhere, soon to be forgotten. In the obscurity of arterial roads and shaggy groves characters of bronze or stone wait to be recognised. Maybe they freeze in